Behold His Coming!
In the last days knowledge will increase -
really, have we seen that?
But you Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.
Daniel 12:4
The rapid increase of knowledge is yet another precursor or a sign of the proximity of the return of the Son of God.
Buckminster Fuller created the “Knowledge Doubling Curve”; he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century.
Today, they say, it is doubling every 12 months, soon to be every 12 hours.
Technology doesn't police itself. New technologies require us to pay attention, voice our concerns constructively, and demand accountability when people are harmed.
Jessica Baron, Forbes Magazine
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Photo: Strange energy cloud over CERN Switzerland
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works.
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research).
CERN is famous – or perhaps infamous - for the experiment in which scientists play God in an effort to recreate the conditions immediately following the ‘Big Bang’ event that they believe gave birth to the Universe millions of years ago.
This discovery in 2012 of the elusive Higgs Boson [named after British physicist Peter Higgs who predicted its existence in 1964], the so-called ‘God particle,’ which allows other particles to build up mass as they pass through the Higgs field.
The Large Hydron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.
Check out:
CERN's Website: Large Hydron Collider

Here is where CERN meets prophecy.
The town in France where CERN is located is called “Saint-Genus-Poilly“. The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honour of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it was a gateway to the underworld.
It is a rare arrangement to have such a large facility situated over the boundaries of two sovereign nations. But here it is, half in France and half in Switzerland.
What is even more interesting is that CERN, whatever it actually turns out to be, is strategically built on this spot to deliberately fulfill prophecy.
Note the following verses in the book of Revelation.
“To him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit… And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” Revelation 9:1-2, 11
You might ask, why in this crazy world would a group of scientists, who no doubt would rather remain credible, ever build in this location?

The Large Hydron Collider at CERN is named after Shiva, the destroyer of worlds!
Why would they name a credible scientific project, "The Destroyer of Worlds?"
CERN is also an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. The name means “horned one.”
Opening portals into other dimensions
Again, who would dare do this?
Sergio Bertolucci, the director for research and scientific computing at CERN has in actuality given us a little insight into what they are working on. He said "When we open the door, something might come through it into our reality. Or, we might send something through it into their reality!"
Top scientists at CERN with the Large Hydron Collider (LHC) say that the LHC may be able to create or discover an extra dimension.
Dr. Mike Lamont, a head scientist at the LHC reports,
"We're hoping to see supersymmetry and extra dimensions."
More information here:
You be the judge.
The Bottomless pit?
Is this the bottomless pit referred to in the book of Revelation?
Given that scientists refer to black holes as “bottomless pits” of gravity, and coupled with discussion of opening a doorway into another dimension, many people point to warnings in the Book of Revelation:
“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit…And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth…”(Revelation 9:1-3).
Is anyone concerned about CERN?
Well, yes, actually. Stephen Hawking, the famous English theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, sounded the alarm back in 2014 when visiting CERN. He said that the "God Particle" being experimented with at CERN could wipe out the universe!
Are you concerned about CERN? In my estimation, this is a blatant manifestation of the rise of the anti-christ. If you are not convinced with the evidence above, check out the image below. This is CERN's corporate logo that displays the intertwined numbers 666!
(According to Revelation 13:1, 17, 18. 666 is the number or name of the Beast that will rise just before the return of Jesus Christ.)

More info here from
Bad News . . . or Good?
If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ and His message of love to the world—if you are not a Christian, a member of the family of God and have the assurance of salvation—you might have cause to be concerned.
BUT . . .for those who are waiting for the return of the Son of God, as the Holy Bible describes, this is actually good news.
"GOOD NEWS?" you might say. "These scientists could destroy our world or worse!" Yes, they might if God were not ultimately in control. But, we as believers have come to trust that what God has said (Prophecy) is actually going to happen. There are hundreds and hundreds of prophecies that have come to pass exactly as God planned in the Bible.
So we trust!
Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA
Japanese and German scientists have now spliced human genes into the brains of monkey fetuses.
In the year 2024, the field of genethics has emerged as a catalyst for unprecedented advancements in genetics. Article
CRISPR clinical trials: A 2024 update
The first gene-editing cure has arrived. Grateful patients are calling it “life changing.”
It was only 11 years ago that scientists first developed the potent DNA-snipping technology called CRISPR. Now they’ve brought CRISPR out of the lab and into real medicine with a treatment that cures the symptoms of sickle-cell disease.
Next-Gen CRISPR and the Future of Gene Editing:
"For safety, ethical, and social reasons, there is broad agreement among many scientists, ethicists, policymakers, and the public that germline editing is a red line that should not be crossed. Using germline editing for reproduction is prohibited by law in more than 40 countries and by a binding international treaty of the Council of Europe. However, in November 2108, a scientist named He Jiankui announced he had edited the genes of twin baby girls who had subsequently been brought to term. His reckless experimentation has been nearly universally condemned. This development has sparked new debate around human germline modification, particularly between parties who desire to push the technology forward and those who fear it could open the door to a new market-based form of eugenics."
See the links below.
Relevant links
Spanish scientists create human-monkey chimera in China
The first gene-edited baby
Russian biologist plans more CRISPR-edited babies
Japan has recently overturned its ban on the creation of human-animal hybrids
Engineering mutations into human embryos
Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination
China doing human testing to create ‘super soldiers
Scientists who have grown a human EAR on the back of a rat say they will be able to use them in humans in five years

CRISPR-Cas9 is revolutionizing the field of genome editing.
The transformative CRISPR-Cas9 technology is revolutionizing the field of genome editing. Able to achieve highly flexible and specific targeting, the CRISPR-Cas9 system can be modified and redirected to become a powerful tool for genome editing in broad applications such as stem cell engineering, gene therapy, tissue and animal disease models, and engineering disease-resistant transgenic plants. We've put together a collection of resources that we hope will give you the confidence to get started and to continuously improve your research.
Mixing Monkey and Human Cells
Scientists are very disturbed that researchers are injecting human stem cells into monkey embryos!
According to Prophecy News Watch:
The researchers injected 25 cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells from humans -- commonly called iPS cells -- into each of 132 macaque monkey blastocytes, an early structure in embryonic development in mammals, and reared the resulting chimeras in culture dishes for up to 20 days. After 13 days, the human cells were still present in about one-third of the chimeras.
In recent years, researchers have been injecting human stem cells into sheep and pig embryos in an effort to grow human organs in animals for the purposes of transplantation. Macaque monkeys are more closely genetically related to humans than are sheep and pigs. The researchers believe they will be able to re-engineer the pathways observed in the monkey-human embryos and apply that knowledge to embryos in sheep and pigs.
The moral implications were evident even to the researchers.
Credits: Prophecy News Watch
Used by permission from Israel 365 News
The Line
A revolution in urban living
Calls the Saudi futuristic plan "The Future of Urban Living"
What it actually is, is a globalist dream to capture and control the remaining people of the world.
Check out the link above. Despite the long term changes this plan has for the human race, it is…. I mean really is a fantastic, ambitious plan with a very futuristic design.
This city is being built in Saudi Arabia today with an estimated project cost of over $1 trillion dollars.
This new city is proposed to span 170 km. through the Arabian desert and and accommodate a population of 300,000.
The project will create over 460,000 jobs and add an estimated $48 billion to the countries economy.
This linear city will be 200 meters wide and 500 meters high.

Is 5G Safe for Humans?
Fifth Generation Mobile Technology
Big Tech is telling us that the 5G technology will be a game changer in the telecom industry. 5G is supposed to greatly enhance internet speeds (10 times faster) and cell coverage. It will also be used for AI, Robotics, self-driving cars and medical devices.
With a 300% increase in the number of related patents since 2015 the 5G technology is forging ahead, whether it has been tested safe or not!
There are six major telecom companies producing 5G: Samsung, Huawei, LG, Nokia, Ericsson and Qualcomm. Huawei launched its first 5G network in Germany in 2017.
Who is asking the BIG QUESTION: Is it safe for humans? Not any of the above list.
"5G technology, which will require cell towers every couple hundred feet in order to work, is perhaps the greatest technological fraud to date. It’s never been proven safe – and, in fact, has been shown to be threatening to the health of plants, animals, and humans."
Not only will these towers clutter the landscape, they will be radiating EMF energy very close and at high power to human populations.
The problem is with the type of radiation that’s emitted from 5G. It penetrates human skin more aggressively than any other type of radiation currently emitted from consumer electronics. The new 5G radiation is exactly the same frequency as the Active Denial System used for crowd control. This system uses directed high energy to cause a burning sensation to human skin to disperse crowds of people.
Credits: See: "The Safety of 5G Technology"
5G radiation is in the spectrum of EMF or Electromagnetic Field.
Many scientists believe that 5G is very harmful to humans and the natural environment, but Big Tech stands to make a lot of money so there seems to be no stopping it. On the internet, you will find dozens of scientists refuting this technology and dozens of sources will tell you that the 5G hype is all fake! Can you guess which ones stand to make the money or are bought off by Big Tech?
Shoshi Herscu is an investigative journalist and believes that electronic pollution is killing us.
See the link in black below. His report is compelling, to say the least.
Barron's reports that the momentum in 5G is Dialing UP
in 2021 and stocks are spiralling.
See: Jan 7th, 2021 by Jack Denton.
Can you and I do anything about this threat?
Write or email your government representative. When enough people say NO, we can turn this thing around!