Behold His Coming!
Get your news from credible Sources
Why should you know what is going on Globally?
Because Jesus commanded us several times in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and in Mark 13, in the Bible
Watch Therefore that you be not deceived!
You have two choices for news. . . Corporate Media or Independent Media.
Below are a few of many trustworthy independent media Sources
The Defcon Warning System - get the ap
There are a number of serious threats occurring globally that may potentially impact you locally.
You don't have the time to listen to the news 24/ 7 and worry about what could arrive, so let this ap do the work for you . This is the Defcon (Defence Condition) Warning System - One quick look at the icon will tell you the level of threat today. You can also go deep into the website to find updated news and information.
Credible Independent Sources to show you the other side of the story
Most often these are credible, honest journalists not paid by big media and having no agenda!
Harbingers Daily
(My personal recommendation, note the many links to top writers and researchers.)
International Christian News
Exposing the Darkness
Behold Israel: Amir Tsarfati
(Find out what is really going on in Israel)
Rapture Ready News
RAIR Foundation USA
American Center of Law and Justice
The National Telegraph
Natural News
Geo Engineering Watch
Jerusalem Post
The Geopolitical Monitor
Kitco News
Alt - Market US
South front Military Analysis and Intelligence
ReMix European News
The Atlantic Council
Kyiv Independent
RAIR Foundation USA
Canada Free Press
True North
Rebel News Canada
"News from Robert Malone"
Inventor of the MRNA platform
Reporting the truth on every new endemic, pandemic and world health issues.
Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
Links not necessarily endorsed by Behold His
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3
Lest We Forget!

The Anti-Christ is on the rise and there are more Christian leaders and believers imprisoned or persecuted all over the world than ever before in history.
Our brothers and sisters in their tribulation are comforted by this one hope . . .
You believers in free countries are praying for us!
Fake News or . . . Actual News
It's your choice.
Take time to search, the truth is out there!
In the last couple of years I doubt I could count the number of times someone has said to me, "Oh, I never watch the mainline news anymore, you can't believe a thing they say!"
As the spirit of the anti-Christ becomes stronger in these last days you will see the resurgence of a Socialist / Communist world wide government. (New World Order)
The very first thing that these evil governments do is take control of the media. This has happened already in almost every country in the world.
You might want to check out who owns or supports those news stations. It will open your eyes.
Since we can no longer trust the mainline media we discover that there are a number of trustworthy alternate news sources popping up that will give you the straight story. Thank God for these media and pray for their protection.
At Behold His
We encourage you to be diligent, stay informed and learn all sides of the story before you commit to believing anything.